Revolutionising edutainment: The collaboration

Welcome to, where minds come alive and dreams take shape. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development, tailored just for you. Dive into captivating content, master essential soft skills, and set the course for a future filled with success and fulfilment. Join the Alpha Generation's movement with and unleash your full potential.

Project Logo

Project brief is a groundbreaking edutainment app designed for teenagers, with a mission to reshape their life philosophy and foster a positive mindset. In today's rapidly changing educational landscape, traditional methods often fall short of meeting the diverse needs of today's youth. addresses this challenge by focusing on personalised education, tailoring learning experiences to individual strengths and interests.

The Alpha Generation, born post-2010, highly values technology, self-expression, and inclusivity. They have a preference for personalised tech experiences and self-directed learning. caters to these preferences by providing an immersive experience that incorporates brain-centric design, a brand identity tailored to teenagers, and an empathetic design thinking approach.

Project Brief

The team involved

Product team
Development team
01 / 00
Rosen Hristov

Rosen Hristov

Svetoslava Angelova

Svetoslava Angelova

Head of Delivery
Borislav Mihaylov

Borislav Mihaylov

Daniel Stefanov

Daniel Stefanov


Key challenges

Performance Optimisations: Bulcode had to implement optimisations to ensure the app loaded quickly and efficiently, even with a high number of concurrent users.
Complex Search: Developing a robust and user-friendly search functionality was challenging due to the need for accuracy and speed.
Gamification: Creating engaging gamification elements to enhance user engagement and retention required innovative solutions.
Complex Feature Integration: Combining multiple complex functionalities like comments with like/share or courses with payments while maintaining a seamless user experience demanded careful coordination.
Secure Communication: Ensuring secure communication between the API and applications like iOS was critical to protect user data and maintain trust.

Key achievements

High-Performance App: Bulcode successfully achieved a high-performance app that loads quickly and efficiently, even under heavy user traffic, ensuring a smooth learning experience for the Alpha Generation.
Robust Search Functionality: The development team implemented a robust and user-friendly search functionality that allows users to find relevant content with ease.
Engaging Gamification: Gamification elements were integrated seamlessly, enhancing user engagement and increasing user retention rates.
Complex Feature Integration: Bulcode's expertise enabled the combination of various complex functionalities, providing a cohesive and enjoyable user experience.
Secure Communication: Stringent security measures were put in place to ensure secure communication between the API and applications like iOS, safeguarding user data and privacy.
100 000 - 200 000€
10+ months

Technologies We Use

Search engines:
AWS tools & technologies:
Other technologies and tools:
Technologies We Use


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Svetoslava Angelova

Svetoslava Angelova

Head of Delivery