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Mar 20, 20234 min read

Bulcode's internal mentorship program

Svetoslava Angelova

Head of Delivery

Bulcode's internal mentorship program

What is a mentorship program and how does it work?

In a business, company, or academic setting, a professional mentorship program is an organised, often one-to-one connection. To connect people, improve knowledge, and develop knowledge for future objectives and milestones, a good mentorship program necessitates strategic preparation and management. Mentoring programs that are effective teach mentors and mentees how to have good conversations and meetings while also equipping people with career advancement knowledge and tools to help them achieve their objectives.

Our mentorship program

The mentorship program that we in Bulcode developed and implemented is a continuous personal growth process. It seeks to improve the mentor's and mentee's knowledge and abilities by assuring at least a basic understanding of regularly used software, frameworks, plugins, tools, and processes, as well as generally valued soft skills, work ethics, and problem-solving strategies. It will also be accountable for maintaining mastery of each skill required to complete the job and assist us in our everyday tasks.

What are the benefits of having an internal mentorship program?

  • Employees can take charge of their professional and personal growth through mentorship programs. Employees who have a mentor experience growth in their roles and have a reliable resource to consult for assistance, rather than feeling stuck in their jobs. This aids in employee retention and the development of cost-effective and scalable career development programs.
  • Employees have a better career outcome as a result of this. Mentorship entails more than just having someone to ask for help. It might also result in measurable results for your personnel.
  • Employees can become overwhelmed when beginning a new job. With Bulcode's mentoring program, they have the benefit and encouragement of knowing whom to go to if they have concerns or problems once they've formed a mentor-mentee relationship.
  • All levels of seniority are affected. Contrary to popular assumptions, mentoring can benefit employees at all levels, even CEOs. We in Bulcode strongly believe that we can learn from each other and grow together no matter the seniority level of one in the company.
  • Mentorship programs aim to establish intra-organisational personal interactions by forming bonds between people who may have never met before. They make it easier for departments and employees to share information and collaborate on projects. This correlates to more well-rounded individuals with the ability to expand their skillset and knowledge.

Program participants and their roles

Everyone in the workplace can take part as a mentor or a mentee The participants have a many-to-many relationship. Each person can be a mentor to many mentees or an adviser to many mentors. Each mentor is assigned a specific "expertise" so that a mentee may quickly determine who is the ideal mentor to consult when a specific situation arises. By default, each mentee has one mentor assigned to him, but he can call others for help when he needs other "expertise." What makes the program successful so far is that everyone in the company is willing to share their skills and helps others advance in fields that they are new to or don't have the same level of expertise. The mentorship is mutually beneficial and helps our team to develop additional skills easily.

The process of mentorship

  1. Initialising - The first stage is looking for and identifying a potential mentor who is a good fit. Everyone in the team can see the qualifications the others have and select in which field others could help him advance in his career. We give our team members the freedom to decide for themselves which skills they want to add to their profile.
  2. Setting expectations and goals - In the next phase, a mentor and mentee meet for the first time, develop a schedule for future meetings, define goals, and get to know one another. Here is where the process of establishing trust begins. They could either communicate through chat channels or have 1 on 1 video meetings which are recorded and further used for educational purposes inside the company.
  3. Growth - The mentorship program has certain milestones that one could reach and aim towards. This allows the mentor to follow the progress of the mentee and as well chance for the mentee to receive feedback and track growth.
  4. Reflection - After the mentorship has finished, both the mentor and the mentee must reflect on their experiences, provide comments, and move on. But at any point, if the trainee needs further assistance on the same subject, one can reach out to its previous mentor.

Additional skills the team gains throughout the program in areas like: Soft skills

The mentorship program has been active since February 2022 and so far, nine team members managed to learn new skills and advance in Drupal, React, Symfony, and to develop their soft skills and problem-solving strategies. The main agenda of the mentorship program is for every trainee who participated in the program to get certification in the specific field thus advancing one's skills.


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