Darin Nikolov

    UX/UI Expert

    darin nikolov photo

    I am a UI/UX designer whose mission is to optimise the quality of the client's product while working within a clear timeframe toward specific deliverables and outcomes. When I create certain designs, I focus on visual identity, simple solutions, and impactful designs that are accessible to everybody. I am highly passionate about my work and eager to always empathise with the user in order to discover problems and design creative solutions.

    Bio image

    "Life has no CTRL + Z."

    My story

    • University of Greenwich – Architecture – Bachelor's Degree
      May 2014
    • UACEG Sofia – Architecture – Master’s Degree
      Jun 2022
    • UI Design – SoftUni Creative
      Jul 2022
    • Adobe Illustrator – SoftUni Creative
      Sep 2022
    • UI/UX Bootcamp – Memorisely
      Dec 2022

    If you want to work with Darin on your project